
Celebrity Snippets: Random Bits of Entertainment News 8/12

A sudden death, a bus crash, and a celebrity engagement top the headlines today.

  • iCarly actress Miranda Cosgrove suffered a broken ankle after her tour bus crashed in Illinois yesterday morning. Miranda’s mom also suffered injuries, but the driver is in serious condition. The rest of Miranda’s tour dates have postponed indefinitely.
  • Actress and former talk show host Ricki Lake announced her engagement to boyfriend Christian Evans via Twitter.  “Thrilled to share some happy news with you….. I’m engaged! 🙂 The cat is out of the bag. Phew! I’m terrible at keeping secrets. “
  • Jani Lane, 80’s rocker from the band Warrant, was found dead this morning the Comfort Inn and Waverly Hills, California. Lane was only 47 years old and leaves behind four kids: Taylar, Brittany, Madison, and Ryan.


Photo credit: Ricki Lake’s Twitter &

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