Grilled Cheese Sampler

I mean who doesn’t like melted cheese?

For your next hosted luncheon or casual dinner, instead of serving boring finger sandwiches why not make your Mom friends a fancy grilled cheese sandwich? What’s not to love about tons of flavor and delicious melted cheese? Our family also has these for dinner during the week as well. Fast, easy and delicious!

Here is a round up of three of my favorite go-to Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. The best part? I have also included wine pairings for each sandwich! Just click on each picture or name to check out the full recipe plus wine pairings.

Grilled Cheese with White Truffle Butter, Jarlsberg & Grana Padano, Cremini Mushrooms & Baby Arugula

Grilled Cheese with Prosciutto, Gruyere Cheeese, Pesto, Baby Spinach & Arugula on Ciabatta


Brie, Prosciutto, Pear & Apricot Chutney Grilled Cheese


Happy Grilled Cheese Munching!


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