Mommy Time 1/9: Crazy Things Parents Do

Wrestling Glass Grizzly Bears with Honey Hands: Things Parents Do (Puzzling Posts)

Theo, Beau & Evangeline: A Naptime Trifecta (Momma’s Gone City)

Let’s Hear it for Kids Doing Nothing (Mommy Nearest)

Amanda Peet Gets Real About What Happens to Boobs After Giving Birth (The Huffington Post)

7 Types of Diets Review (Prime Parents Club)

More Juicy Goodness

Hey, Anti-Vaxxers: Don’t Call Parents Who Take Their Babies to Disneyland ‘Irresponsible’

Molly Sims: My Top 5 Rules for Looking Great with a Baby Bump

5 Reasons I (& the Newborn Who’s Glued to Me) Aren’t in the Mood for Sex

Why You Should Never Have House Guests Right After Having a Baby

Celebrity Bump Watch 2015: See Who’s Pregnant

Photo: Getty

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