16 Kick-A*s Inspiring Tees for Little Girls

When I found out I was pregnant with a girl, I immediately started shopping for ribbons and ruffles. As she’s gotten older, we haven’t said goodbye to these frilly decorations, but I’m realizing how important her clothing can be. What we dress our daughters in will play a huge role in defining not only their personal style, but their self-worth. I want to raise a little girl who feels empowered and who knows that she is not defined by outdated stereotypes about women or the tired princess refrain. But I’ve been disappointed by the dominance of tees for girls with phrasing like, “Daddy’s Little Cutie,” or “You Can Call me Princess.” I’m aiming for words of feminism, kindness, and strength. Since it can be hard to find inspiring tees for little girls, I rounded up my favorites. Most of these are designed by fellow moms, so a lot of love went into creating them.


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