15 Stunning Kitchen Backsplash Ideas

My neighbor recently renovated her kitchen, knocking out a wall and creating the sort of dream room that I thought only exist on Pinterest boards. Inspired by how flawlessly she put together a modern kitchen without disrespecting the inherent charm of her 1920’s home, I got to thinking about eclectic spaces and the importance of details. Like the kitchen backsplash.

Playing around with color and texture is daunting, but that’s why a kitchen backsplash is so important. It can create a subtle pop in a neutral kitchen, or add to an already bold room with very little work on your part. It doesn’t matter if your dream kitchen is rustic and cozy, or modern and sleek. The kitchen backsplash alone can change the way your entire kitchen looks because it will become the focal point of the entire room. Your backsplash will add to the atmosphere while also making it easier to clean than a wall, which is very important when it comes down to the place you’re cooking in.

Whether you prefer a traditional look or something more modern, these kitchen backsplash ideas go far beyond basic white, ranging from natural stones to metallic tiles. Here are some of my favorite kitchen backsplash ideas now trending for the modern kitchen:

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15 Stunning Kitchen Backsplash Ideas








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