Women’s History Month: Meet Alechia Reese

Women’s History Month: Meet Alechia Reese

March is National Women’s History Month, a month dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions women have made to society. For an entire thirty-one days, we highlight and salute women who are making strides and shattering norms. This Women’s History Month, we’re taking a look at some everyday moms who inspire us. They are truly powerful, motivated, and admirable women who have made their mark in various fields. Enter Alechia Reese, author of the award-winning book, Eating Elephants and director of PR for Soledad O’Brien’s PowHERful Foundation. She is also someone who has transformed her life from a domestic violence victim to a thriver.

More About Alechia Reese:

Alechia describes herself as “equal parts warm tea and Hennessy”. She is a recipient of the Woman of Power award presented by Bank of America and NABA NYC. Aleechia also specializes in brand identity, strategic marketing, and execution. She’s a media personality and certified professional speaker. Alechia believes beyond empowerment it is necessary to properly equip all people to succeed and she’s made it her lifelong mission to do so redefining success through purpose.

How do you define motherhood?

To me, motherhood is the opportunity to shape the future, while discovering the best and worst in yourself. It’s complex, challenging, and beautiful – at the same damn time.

What superpower do you bring to motherhood?

I’m the queen of the flex. Our life is crazy hectic, I travel an extreme amount and I’m a single mom whose sister-coparent is also her business partner. That means my house is always an adventure. I make no apologies or excuses for it. Having the ability to flex allows us to learn to adjust quickly when life and circumstances change. It’s a key characteristic to have because the only constant in life is change.

What makes you do a better job at mothering?

Forgiving myself and being very open and honest with my daughter that this is my first time parenting her at this (and every) specific point in her life so there will be a learning curve. It takes the pressure off.

What’s your funniest mom story?

Funny and scary. We travel quite a bit as a family. We were in Scotland rushing to the airport to head back home and we discovered my daughter misplaced (lost) her passport. We’re retracing her steps, going on an entire adventure around Edinburgh, yet still headed back to the airport. I’m spazzing out while doing an Instagram vlog to help me not cry, and she goes, “It’ll be fine because I’m going home today mommy.” I couldn’t help but laugh. First, at myself because who gives an eight year old their passport, and two because of her naive confidence not understanding the rules for entering and exiting countries. Luckily, she was right and we found her passport at the airport’s lost and found – after a wonderful young lady informed me it wasn’t there. Fun times for sure.

What special project are you working on now(not mommy related)?

My special project is me. I’m working on consistently giving myself 100% – like I do for everyone else. From the moment I started giving me and my dreams 100% my entire universe changed for the better.

A snippet of advice to other moms?

We’re all simply figuring it out. Nobody comes into this motherhood thing perfect so give yourself some grace. And understand every child is different. Discover who your child is and figure out early what their love language is (quality time, personal touch, gifts, acts of service, or words of affirmation) so that you can communicate love to them in the ways in which they best understand.

Getting to know Aleechia was a treat! Follow Alechia on Instagram @alechiareese for her latest adventures!

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