Demi Moore on Monday, September 9, 2024.
(Photo Credit: Nathan Congleton / Contributor | NBC via Getty Images)

Demi Moore Loathes Pregnancy Weight Loss Routine: ‘It’s So Crazy’

Demi Moore recently opened up about the grueling routine she followed for weight loss following her second pregnancy. After giving birth to her daughter Scout in 1991, the actress biked about 60 miles daily. Demi Moore used to bike to and fro between her residence and movie set after welcoming her second kid. The weight loss routine was rooted in her self-belief to bounce back immediately after her pregnancy, which she now admits was absolutely “ridiculous” and “crazy.”

Demi Moore on her rigorous fitness routine after daughter Scout was born

While discussing her new movie “The Substance” on CBS News Sunday Morning, Demi Moore talked about the unrealistic expectations she had of her body post-pregnancy. “The Substance” follows a fading actress (played by Demi Moore) who decides to use a black market drug to regain her younger self’s looks, with everything being a tad bit more perfect. In the interview, the star discusses the entertainment industry’s toxic beauty standards set for female artists and navigating the same early on in her career.

Demi Moore is mom to three kids and recalled putting her body through some “crazy” things while filming after her second pregnancy. After feeding her daughter throughout the night, she trained with a coach. However, after that, she went on to bike to her filming set of “Indecent Proposal.” It was 30 miles to and fro, so the actress was biking about 60 miles per day to get back in shape. Moreover, while on set, she biked around to travel from one point to another.

The 61-year-old admitted that now that she looks back, her weight loss routine was “ridiculous” as her baby was about five to six months old at the time. She put immense pressure on herself to look a certain way and admitted it might have stemmed from her experiences of “being told to lose weight.” While losing her pregnancy weight meant a lot to her back then, the actress noted that it wasn’t as important as she used to think it was.

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