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Achieving muscle balance in strength training is as important as attention to good form when it comes to preventing injuries. …
The US Senate has declared September Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. Unfortunately, as America’s portion sizes have gotten bigger, so have…
This morning’s 4:00 am run facilitated an interesting and thought-provoking conversation. My longtime friend and running partner, Susan, posed the…
I run because I love being physically fit. I love my morning running ritual of lacing up my shoes because…
When my kids were in preschool, I used to go out of my way to get them to a neighborhood…
The trick to getting kids to exercise is to make it fun! What better way than to host a themed…
Looking for an outside source of inspiration to provide an added dose of motivation in your journey to health and…
Finding the right sport for our kids is not always easy. With so many options available, and children’s varied personalities,…
I never considered homeschooling a reasonable option for educating my children. When we lived in San Diego, I had…
I’m a bad mom. I admit it. I don’t enjoy playing board games with my kids. One more lap around…
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