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Author (Page 173)
Kathleen Spencer
Kathleen Spencer is a pop culture fanatic, movie aficionado, lover of celebrity gossip and is a confessed mommy blog addict. Kathleen has a decade of experience writing about the trials, tribulations and triumphs of celebrities and their cohorts.
Celine Dion reached a decision in naming her new bundles of joy.
Padma Lakshmi shared some insight into her hectic schedule.
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon finally clear up the pregnancy rumors!
Celebrity parents Cam Gigandet, Britney Spears, Katherine Heigl, and Demi Moore were spotted out yesterday.
Céline Dion admits she's struggling to name her newborn sons.
Miley Cyrus' parents file for divorce.
Denise Richards and ex-husband Charlie Sheen take their girls to NYC.
Celebrity moms were spotted out and about yesterday.
Kourtney Kardashian and her family celebrate Kim's 30th birthday in NYC.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's twins were spotted out with their nannies.
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