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Sharon Feiereisen
Sharon Feiereisen is a freelance lifestyle writer and the managing editor at Momtastic. Her work has been published in Time Out, Newsday, The Knot, Teen Vogue, Business Insider, Real Simple and Hamptons Magazine among many other print and online outlets.
We don’t need to tell you that sleep is important and hard to come by when you have a baby,…
No one wants to deal with mold! Even though most of us have some vague sense that it can be…
Whether you’re going the puree route or the baby-led feeding one, yogurt can be a great (and easy!) addition to…
Taking an in-office gestational diabetes (GD) test at around 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy is one of those necessary…
Image: Getty We all know that vomiting, nausea and food aversions are common during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester.…
When it comes to progress with walking, a lot of parents wonder “what’s normal?” Because that first small move forward…
You might not have the energy to run or even walk during much of your pregnancy, but keep in mind…
You might want to rethink those cute little cartoon diapers you are putting on your little one. Sure they’re fun…
As you get further along in your pregnancy your doctor might want to strap a fetal monitor on you every…
Having something customized sounds expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, it can often be quite the opposite.…
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