10 Mistakes I Hope My Daughter Never Makes in Her Love Life I'd rather she learn from my relationship screw-ups -- I've made enough for both of us.
Mommy Time 5/22: The Perfect ‘Skinny’ Cocktail for This Weekend Plus, a YouTube Kids warning and things only old souls understand.
Mommy Time 5/15: Why Anna Kendrick Isn’t Impressed by the Royal Baby Plus, how to photo bomb the president and other useful tips.
Mommy Time 5/8: 11 Things Daughters of Strong Women Know Plus, wishes for every mom on Mother's Day and April celebrity baby names.
Mommy Time 5/1: 20 Funny Baby Photos That Will Make You LOL Plus, when to apologize in advance and baby names by the numbers.
Kelly Clarkson Refuses to Let Body-Shaming Bully Katie Hopkins Bug Her And yes, we love her even more now.
7 Surprising Ways Makeup Affects Your Relationship, Says Science Number 5 is especially shocking -- but in a good way.
Sponsored Video: This Helps Me Sleep (Even with Two Kids) When I do get to sleep, I sleep well -- thanks to this seriously awesome thing.