Halle Berry Opens Up About Her Split With Gabriel Aubry

Halle Berry, gray hat, gray sweatshirt, sunglasses, camera, tote bag

Halle Berry speaks out for the first time in three years.

Halle landed the cover of Vogue's September issue (one of the fashion industry's most coveted honors) and she opens up for the first time about her May split with Gabriel Aubry.  Halle says that she and Gabriel remain a family through their two-year-old daughter, Nahla.  “We were meant to bring this amazing little person into the world. And I think that’s why we came together. And because of that, we are going to be together forever,” “We are a family until we are not here anymore.”

She continued: "And while it was not a love connection for us, he was absolutely the right person to have this child with because she is going to have an amazing father. We'll make sure we always do what is right for her and put her first. And she will see as she grows that we have a lot of love for each other."

All divorced parents should take note – THIS is how you split up in the best way possible for your kids.

You can get a sneak peek at Halle's Vogue photos and more of her interview here.

Halle Berry, sunglasses, blue blouse, gift bag

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