
Jon And Kate Gosselin Bury The Hatchet

Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin have finally put their issues to rest.

Reality stars Jon and Kate had a very public and very bitter split. The celebrity dad says he’s very sorry now for the way he handled things. “I am sorry, because I did stuff I wouldn’t want done to me. I was passive-aggressive. Then I’d get mad, but I was the one who wasn’t communicating.”

He says that he and Kate are getting along much better nowadays and he says she’s a great mom. “I’ll call [Kate] up and say, ‘Mady’s sick. What do I do?’ And she’ll tell me. She’s a great Mom. We just have different parenting styles.”

Jon says that he would go back to reality TV if it was the right project, but so far nothing has intrigued him enough. “I’ve been offered a lot of stuff. Crazy stuff. It wasn’t the right fit, then or now. I don’t want [my kids] thinking I take every show just to make a buck.”

Would you watch a Jon & Kate post-split show?



Photos by WENN

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