Christina Milian

Christina Milian Fills Us In

1. When I need advice, my go-to mama guru is my mother.

2. The people I truly admire are hard working mothers like Beyoncé—she’s a beast!

3. My favorite 5-minute de-stress method is a glass of wine OR a nice quiet drive with my phone off.

4. My most embarrassing pregnancy symptom was: I got pretty lucky and didn’t get sick while preggy but I did pee like crazy ALL the time.

5. My weirdest pregnancy craving was onions. I wanted them in EVERYTHING either raw or semi cooked.

6. The thing that surprised me the most about becoming a mom was its not that hard. Once your little miracle has arrived you become more driven and gain the same hunger and wonder you had as a child. My energy has grown tremendously since becoming a mom and I find I’m able to do a lot more things all at once.

7. The coolest thing about raising a girl is she loves to play dress-up. Also, I love that I see a lot of myself in her.

8. For me, being on the red carpet is exciting and fun. It is a little nerve-racking at times (you don’t want to have a wardrobe malfunction!), but all you could do is hope that you look good.

9. The best thing about being on Dancing with the Stars was challenging myself. And also the weight-loss. I was really fearful of doing the show in the beginning but once we got started it became exciting invigorating and made me feel more fearless and free.

10. The worst thing about being on Dancing with the Stars was nothing! Except getting kicked off half way through. 🙂

11. The best piece of parenting advice I ever received was listen to your child and give her your full uninterrupted attention—this means everything to your child. Don’t forget to put the phone down sometimes and let business and social media wait.

12. My can’t-live-without beauty product is LASHES!

13. My favorite on-the-go snack is Red Bull and granola bars.

14. My daughter can’t live without eggs and ketchup! And, me! We love the heck out of each other. 🙂

15. My guilty pleasure is reality shows. I’ll watch the Real Housewives of ANYWHERE.

16. Regaining my body after baby was not too terrible but it did take hard work and a careful balance of eating healthy foods and working out.

17. My favorite nickname for Violet Nash is “V”, “my little pumpkin”, “or princess”.

18. My advice to working moms is remember your purpose. Don’t forget to be fun sometimes, let loose and act like a child. We all need it.

19. I never leave the house without my iPad mini.

20. I never travel without again, my iPad mini, LOL! I need it for me and V.

21. The best part of my day is waking up to and coming home to my daughter! She’s always so happy.

22. You know you’re a mom when you start putting objects in your bra and using it as a purse. Mine has pacifiers in it!

23. My favorite part of parenthood is reliving childhood they the eyes of my baby.

24. Something on my bucket list that I haven’t done yet is learn to drive a motorcycle.

25. We chose Violet Nash as my daughter’s name because I’m Cuban and there is a Cuban tradition of using a perfume called Royal Violets on babies. I came up with that name for our daughter and we both it was just perfect. It’s old-fashioned and traditional, but Madison is her middle name which is a little more current and masculine making it a great match.

26. My ideal vacation would be Fiji.

27. If I could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) it would be my grandmother on my mom’s side. She passed away when I was 11 and I have fond memories of her but would have loved to have an adult relationship with her.

28. As a mom, guilt strikes when you’re on your way out the door and your child starts crying.

29. The best character trait my daughter has inherited from me is that she is very loving and affectionate and she’s really funny. I think she gets her humor from me. 🙂

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