Christina Milian’s Diary: How I Spent a Special Valentine’s Day with My Daughter

This Valentine's Day was all about mother-daughter bonding. Violet and I woke up fairly early—at about 9AM—and quickly ran to the store to get some fresh produce for the day. Today was a lazy day, so we def went to the store in our PJ's (actually, we spent most the day in our PJ's!). After picking up produce, we stopped at the local feed store because we have two chickens of our own (Violet is obsessed with eggs). We decided to get the chickens some special Valentine's Day snacks: fresh mealworms!!! I know it sounds gross, but you should see how happy the chickens get when you place those worms in their coop. It's very entertaining. We came home and gave our chickens their delicious breakfast and then we headed inside to make a delicious breakfast of our own.

On the breakfast menu today? Grilled t-bone steak, scrambled eggs with cheese, and pancakes! Violet gave me a hand in seasoning the meat and she cracked the fresh eggs for our scramble, which is one of her favorite jobs in kitchen. Our breakfast was great!

Being that the weather was so beautiful, Violet and I decided to do some playing around in our own backyard. It was perfect and one of the hottest days we had had in a while. We threw on bathing suits and attempted to get in our pool but somehow the water was still ICE COLD! So, we decided to skip swimming and instead opted for playing in Violet's new playground I just had built for her.

Now lemme tell you: this playground is pretty darn awesome! I must pat myself on the back for this one. I wanted to make sure this playground is her little oasis and is a place she and her friends could have a safe and fun time playing in the comfort of our own home. It has a giant slide, three swings, jungle gyms, a rubber tire, and more! It's a great way to get a kid's imagination going and Violet has an awesome imagination. We played Zombies & Pirates (our own special game) and ran up and down the ladder. We got on the swings and tried to swing the highest we possibly could without touching the ground (after all, there are zombies on the ground!), and we looked through the playground binoculars and accused anyone who came near of being a pirate or zombie and would run and hide from them!

I'm really happy I built that playground for her—it adds so much to our bonding time. Plus, can't you just imagine what it feels like for a child to know she has her own wonderland right in your backyard!? Before I had Violet, I always said that when I had a child I wanted be set up to give her the world. And I'm not talking about material things—it's really about love. You can show love in so many different ways from small gestures to biggest ones! It doesn't matter as long as it's coming from the heart. V knows she is my world and is do anything to ensure she is happy. Cause honestly she makes me happy every single day—not just on Valentine's Day.

Oh yeah! Of course, I gave V a special Valentine's Day gift; I got her a heart-shaped box with chocolates, a princess tin mailbox (with all her fav Disney princess' on it) filled with stickers and a few pink, heart-shaped cupcakes.

And that pretty much rounds out our day. In the evening Grandma came over and took V on a sushi date. Violet is obsessed with both sushi and Grandma!


Hope you had a Valentine's Day filled with love, peace, and joy . . .

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