20 Questions: Amanda Peet Fills Us In

You were inspired to get involved with the UN Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign, because I believe every child, no matter where he or she lives, should have access to vaccines.

You traveled to Kenya last year for the campaign. The moment you’ll never forget during that trip was meeting a boy who’d carried his baby sister three miles to get her a polio vaccine drop.

Shot@Life isn’t the first pro-vaccine campaign you’ve been involved with. In 2008, you were a spokesperson for Every Child By Two. You’re passionate about this cause, because if vaccination rates drop too low life-threatening diseases could make a comeback in our communities.

If you could tell parents who don’t believe in vaccines one thing, it would be, Even though it’s a “personal decision” when you choose not to vaccinate your child you are putting other peoples’ children, especially newborns, at risk for disease.

In addition to your work with the UN Foundation, you’re expecting your third baby soon! Your fans found out about your pregnancy when you arrived at the Emmy’s wearing a beautiful bump-revealing Giambattista frock. Sharing your thrilling news in that way was tough in four inch heels.

This baby will be your first boy! You’re feeling relieved for David. Actually relived for all of us– there’s enough estrogen in our house!

You’re preparing your daughters, Molly June and Frances Pen, for their brother by reminding them that he’s going to be pretty boring in the beginning.

Your girls have beautiful names! Choosing a name for your son has been a rough patch in my marriage.

Pregnancy with a boy versus your girls has been hard because I’m older!

Your strangest pregnancy craving has been tabasco sauce.

The thing that’s surprised you most about motherhood has been how much I rely on my husband.

Raising girls has been delicious so far.

You hope all of your children love to go to the theater as much as you do

You love to enjoy your “me time” by taking a bath and watching “Charlie Rose”.

Your favorite date night spot with your husband [“Game of Thrones” screenwriter David Benioff] is in bed watching a show — right now we’re into the Danish show “Klown”!

The best movie you’ve seen lately was City Lights. We showed it to the girls. Now when they eat spaghetti they imitate Charlie Chaplin in the club scene when he eats the streamer.

Your favorite TV show is “Game of Thrones”.

Next, we can expect to see you in the Duplass Brothers’ TV show “Togetherness” airing on HBO Jan 11th right after “Girls”.

When you’re not parenting, working, and advocating for childhood vaccinations, you’re trying to get through a reading list my husband gave me a few years ago. He was an English teacher.

Next, you hope to catch some sleep.

Photo: Getty



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