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Celebrities (Page 38)
Trust me, I know. I used to work for a celeb mom.
They work hard to get their beautiful bodies. Thankfully, we don't have that kind of pressure in our lives.
Get ready for some serious cuteness overload!
Happy birthday, Prince George! Plus, more amazing photos of special moments shared by Kate and her family.
Kim and Kanye's firstborn kid is more fabulous than ever -- especially as she prepares to share the spotlight with…
Kim Kardashian is the latest celeb to go this route -- but she's not the only one.
These A-List exes pal around to keep their kids happy.
Congrats to Beyonce and Jay-Z!
Talk about eye candy. These guys were way hot before they had kids. But now that they're diaper changing, lullaby…
With a remake of the '90s sitcom "Roseanne" in the works, we talked to the star who played Becky (and…
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