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Celebrities (Page 43)
The "Nashville" actress is back on the red carpet and looking (and feeling) better than ever.
From Olivia Wilde to Mila Kunis, celebrity moms have been known to brag about their breastfeeding super powers.
You're sick of that question, too, right? Because even if you already have one kid, people pry about #2 (or…
These hot mamas had so much fun! We reveal what the cameras didn't show during the awards ceremony.
Our January guest editor chats with us about same-sex parenting, how she really feels about working out, her idea of…
Whether they're still really little or all grown up, these celebs love to hang with their fam -- just like…
These stars are cooking up something even better than a glam movie role or hit song (although they have those,…
These babies were born ready for their close-up. Lights. Camera. Adorable!
Our December guest editor chats with us about struggling with infertility, the surprising thing few people know about her personal…
If you're thinking that tiger sounds like Angelina Jolie or that princess sounds like Kristen Bell, you're probably right!
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