
DIY: Chalkboard Gift Tags


  • cardboard scraps
  • chalkboard Paint
  • scissors
  • thin rope or thread
  • round hole punch (not pictured)
  • newspaper (to protect your surfaces)

DIY Chalkboard Gift Tags Materials


Step 1: Cut small squares from the cardboard, one for each tag you want to make.

DIY Chalkboard Gift Tags Step 1

Step 2: Punch a hole in one end (top center) of each tag.

DIY Chalkboard Gift Tags - Step 2

Step 3: Cover your surface with newspaper. It is best to do this outside, but if you can’t, choose a very well-ventilated area. Spray paint the tags thoroughly with the chalkboard paint, covering both sides. Paint more than one coat if necessary.

DIY Chalboard Gift Tags - Step 3

Step 4: Let tags dry completely

Step 5: Cut a piece of your thread or rope and thread it through the hole, tying the ends together at the top, making a loop.

DIY Chalkboard Gift Tags - Step 5

Step 6: Repeat this process with the other tags. Write your message in chalk (or have your child write it) and attach to your gift!

DIY Chalkboard Gift Tags - Step 6

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