PHOTOS: My Favorite Moments with Beau & Cutter

Since we travel so much as family, for both my job and Cutter’s job, our son Beau has quite a full travel card, even though he’s only been here on Earth for 2.5 years. He has grown to love traveling and exploring, but most of all, seeing anything to do with baseball (as you will see, his smile gets even bigger when the sport is involved!). In fact, some of my most favorite moments with my fam are from adventures that we’ve taken together.


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This photo breaks my heart because Beau was SO little!! This was the first time he ever saw a game (he was maybe 6-months-old) and he was in awe!


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This was a few months later. Cutter was playing in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, so we took a trip to Hershey Park. It was Beau’s first theme park..and first time tasting chocolate. Easy to say it was a hit 🙂


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For his first birthday, we did a little photo shoot with a cake smash, etc., and this was just a candid in between shot. I just love how he’s holding on to his daddy’s legs for safety. And who doesn’t love a baby butt??!!


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This is the next year at spring training, where we let him run loose on the field when the players’ day was over. He was so hooked on baseball and was the happiest I had ever seen him.


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Our other obsession is superheroes. This was all Beau’s idea. He was very committed and in character all day, and we made sure to follow suit. He’s very method, clearly.


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Beau has never been afraid of Santa, but this is the first year he got a grasp on who the big guy is and what he does. He waited in line SO patiently and was very excited to ask for a real baseball FIELD, and a very big motorcycle.


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Just before the holidays, we were able to take Beau to see Frozen on Ice. It was magical. He couldn’t believe Olaf was just a few feet away from him. The fact that he got a glimpse of Woody and Buzz Lightyear in the opening number kept him up the whole ride home; he couldn’t stop talking about it!

Related: 20 Questions: Jamie-Lynn Sigler Fills Us In

Photos: Jamie-Lynn Sigler/Instagram

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