
Meet Katherine Heigl’s New Baby Girl; Josh Kelley Talks Fatherhood

Proud father Josh Kelley shows off his baby girl and gushes about being the dad of two daughters.

Josh took to Twitter to share the photo below of their new daughter, Adalaide, born back in April. Josh writes, “Little Addey Marie Kelley rockin a little daddy daughter time. I’m her personal driver now around the house.”

The musician and father of two sat down with ‘Taste of Country’ to chat about his girls. Josh shared about adding another child to the family, “It’s pretty amazing. She’s phenomenal. She’s beautiful, and she’s just really chill. Sometimes I wonder if they take on the parents personalities or if some of them are just born like that. She’s a super good baby, and we love having her in our family. We basically wanted to start adding to the family. Suddenly they just gave us a call one day and said, ‘Hey, this kid is going to be up for adoption … are you guys interested?’ We said absolutely.”

He says that he feels a little more prepared this time around. “At first with Naleigh, I was a madman. I was worrying every five seconds. With Adalaide, I feel like I just get it more. I understand parenting a little better, even though she’s an infant. I used to help take care of my little sisters when they were infants, so I do remember a lot of that stuff. I love being a dad. It’s good. It gives you an extra little push to have motivation to work even harder and another reason to try and do well in your career.”

Sounds like Josh and Katherine have it all under control. I wonder how many more kids they are planning to add to their crew? It doesn’t sound like they’re done yet!


Photo Credit: WENN & Josh Kelley’s Twitter

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