10 Sappiest-Ever Quotes from Nicholas Sparks Movies (+ A Sneak Peek of The Longest Ride on Set)

Master of tearjerkers Nicholas Sparks is at it again, as 20th Century Fox’s The Longest Ride movie hits theaters on April 10. My box of Kleenex and I will be headed out to the movies to relish in Scott Eastwood’s smokin’ hot bod the endearing star-crossed romance between Luke (Scott Eastwood), a former champion bull rider and OMGsoboredwithcollegeguys Sophia (Britt Robertson).

In honor of the big screen release of The Longest Ride, we’ve compiled a list of the all-time best love quotes from Nicholas Sparks movies in the slideshow below. Share your fave on Facebook with your hubby (and convince him that The Longest Ride is date-night worthy and not just for chicks—there’s real professional bull riding action throughout. Oh, the testosterone!).

I had a chance to check out a portion of the filming of the movie on location in North Carolina, at Luke’s farm home. We watched as director George Tillman Jr. worked his magic and brought the book’s pages to life; the scene being shot involved Luke taking Britt on a horseback ride:

The landscape was absolutely gorgeous, and captured brilliantly in the movie. Check out the trailer:

The Longest Ride is a great date night movie. And yes, Scott Eastwood bares skin. A LOT of it. A gift from him to you.

Check it out in theaters starting April 10!

Like The Longest Ride on Facebook & follow the hashtag #LongestRide for updates, teasers, and behind the scenes goodness.

The Longest Ride set visit furnished by 20th Century Fox. Set photos provided by Michael Tackett.

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