I met this colorful crew while sitting in the front row of a taping of Bethenny's talk show (sadly it wasn't just us lingering over lattes). It was the first time I'd seen the show (normally I'm at work), and I was pretty psyched to discover that the same Bethenny that I loved watching on the original
I also enjoyed the show–perhaps because I'm pretty passionate about the topic she covered during the parenting segment: Is it ever OK to spank your kid? There was a spirited debate among audience members but Bethenny and I happen to share the same
Don't get me wrong: I have a strong-willed, super independent three-year-old son, not a Saint Toddler (as if those even exist). There are times when I'm so frustrated with him I feel like pulling my hair out. So I totally get how kids can push you to the edge. But, for Mason, a calm countdown to three gets him back on track. I don't yell and I only occasionally have to give him a timeout. I just don't see how getting all worked up and spanking him would get the same results. I stay calm and he calms down.
Here's the other thing: I don't buy it when people say spanking works. I was spanked when I was a little kid and it wasn't effective. Seeing one of my parents lose control like that just made me take that parent less seriously. Yes, I was slightly afraid of my spanking-happy parent, but it's not like that fear made me behave differently. It just made me smarter about hiding things that I had done wrong to avoid getting a swatting.
What do you think? Is it ever OK to spank your kid?