Make a Faux Pumpkin Centerpiece for Fall

Want to bring an instant feeling of fall into your home? Want it to be cheap and easy and reusable year after year? We’ve got you covered! These autumn pumpkin centerpieces look equally festive with faux or fresh flowers; you can even use one as a new vessel for your live houseplants.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece


  • Faux pumpkin (abundant at the dollar store and craft stores now)
  • Sharp knife
  • Pencil


Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Step 1: Using the pencil, mark a cutting line. You want the opening to be wide enough to place a container inside for the flowers.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Step 2: Cut along the marked line, using nice, even strokes so the separation is clean.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Step 3: Clean up any jagged edges and wipe away any loose foam.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Step 4: Find a container that will fit in the pumpkin that can hold the fresh flowers. If you are using faux flowers, you can always just place them directly in the pumpkin. If using a houseplant, just place the plastic pot into the pumpkin, making sure to use a plastic saucer underneath.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Step 5: Fill with flowers and enough water to keep them fed.

Faux Pumpkin Floral Centerpiece

Enjoy the season!

More Fall Decor Ideas:


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