3 Spring Time Family Excursions That Won’t Break The Bank

3 Spring Time Family Excursions That Won’t Break The Bank

The weekend is here and so is the warm weather of course now you can’t remember any of the activities you wanted to do when you were stuck in doors. This happens to me all the time.

During the winter I come up with all sorts of awesome excursions that I want to plan for my family as soon as the weather turns nice, but once the temperature starts to rise I forget them all. Lately I’ve taken to keeping a list, of course that only works if I don’t lose the list, or use the back of it for the grocery list and then throw it out. Well, this year I managed to keep hold of the list and I thought I would share 3 day trips I didn’t forget and  am for sure going to do now that the weather is warmer.

1. Park to Park

This is something I remember when I was younger. We basically spent a whole day  my mom, dad and I and went to all the parks within an hour of us.  As a little kid it was so cool. We would head out in the morning and start at the closest park, spend an hour or so and then move on to the next. I am going to make a memory book with my kids this year. At each park I am going to have them pick their favorite thing and I’ll take a picture of them doing it.  Then when we get home we’ll put it into a scrapbook so they can remember their park to park day.

2.Beach (or river or lake)

Heading off to the beach for the day is a great way to spend some family time outdoors. Even if it’s not swimming weather yet, there are so many activities fit for the beach. From building sand castles, to searching for shells, taking a walk or throwing around a Frisbee the beach offers an infinite number of distractions and games. One activity my kids love to do at the beach is have their dad create an obstacle course for them. We use sand toys, chairs, blankets and then they have to scoot through it as we time them. This is also a great activity to do at home, check out my quick directions for making an obstacle course in your driveway or back yard.

3. Minor League Baseball

With spring here, so is spring training which means baseball is about to start. I recently discovered the joy of going to a minor league baseball game. Not only is it budget friendly for a family (most tickets are in the $8-15 range) but it is a much more casual atmosphere that is perfect for kids. You can see some great baseball without feeling like you have to watch every second to make up for the price of the ticket. You can usually move around in the seats allowing kids to get different views of what’s happening on the field and keeping their energy under control. Plus, who knows, you might see the next Tim Lececum before he gets called up.       

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