Raw Chocolate Chip Date Treats

Raw Date Treats3

While these look like cookies, they're really a chewy treat that tastes similar to chocolate chip cookie dough.  Yummy!  

I don't call them cookies, because I think a cookie must have a crunch — and I like people to understand what they're really are eating when they bite into something.  (Ever had a sip of what you thought was water and then been surprised — somewhat unpleasantly — that the drink was actually wine or soda?  Know what I mean?  Not good.)

Whenever possible, I love to create treats with some healthy elements — but only if the treat tastes like a treat and not a "health food!"  I think I've done this here. Dates are a fantastic source of dietary fiber and are one of the best natural sources of potassium.  And flax meal (ground flax seeds) are chock full of fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids.  They have a bit of a nutty flavor, which is delicious in sweets.  Add chocolate and crunchy granola (I suggest my Honey Roasted Chai Granola) and your family can enjoy these for a dessert or a snack!  And did I mention they're quick and easy to make?


  • 2 cups pitted dates
  • 1 cup of your favorite granola
  • 1/8 cup flax meal
  • 1/2 cup mini-semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup shredded, unsweetened coconut


Makes 2 dozen

Add the dates to a food processor and use the blade attachment to make a paste.  In a medium-sized mixing bowl, add the date paste to the granola, mini-chocolate chips, and flax meal.  This is a very sticky combination, so the best way to combine the ingredients is with your hands.

Cover a large plate with the coconut and set a second large plate next to it. Using a 1 1/4-inch ice-cream scoop or your hands, form approximately 1 1/4-inch balls of the "dough" and place them on the coconut-covered plate, about four at a time.  Roll them gently in to coat each one with the coconut.  Place them on the clean plate as you go.  

Raw Choc chip date treats2

An additional note:

This is a great recipe for kids who like to help!  They love rolling the "dough" in the coconut!

Raw Choc Chip Date treats2


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