Drumming up new ideas for lunch box snacks can seem next to impossible after the first few days of school. Today I am sharing one of my favorites in the hope of giving you something new and fun to start off the year. Buying hummus is easy, but I’ve always preferred the homemade version. It is creamy and richer and, believe it or not, less expensive to make from scratch. I also like to add a few spices for flavor, and you can always adjust them a little bit to suit your taste! When packing your homemade hummus in a lunch box use a container with a snap-on lid, then pack a big bag of chopped vegetables beside it. Happy, healthy snacking will ensue at school the second the bell rings!
As a mom of three, I often struggle to get my kids to each to eat healthily. If one kid…
If you’re anything like me, you want to move away from packet lunch box snacks so you know exactly what…
There are enough nutritious snacks for the lunch box here to keep your kids happy for YEARS.
Bust out of the PB&J rut with these easy-to-make lunch box recipes that are a hit in my household.