splatoon 3 video game

Parent Guide: Splatoon 3

About Splatoon 3

Enter the Splatlands, a sun-scorched desert inhabited by battle-hardened Inklings and Octolings. Splatsville, the city of chaos, is the adrenaline-fueled heart of this dusty wasteland.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch

Rated: E10+

Parent Guide

Best for: Ages 10 and up


Splatoon 3 is a third-person shooter game where players use weapons to shoot paint and various surfaces. There is no blood or gore.



Mature Content



Splatoon 3 is a multi-player, third-person shooter style game where players battle each other using paint guns. Teams fight to cover as much of the are with their color paint before the time runs out. The game encourages players to work together with their teammates to cover as much surface with paint. Splatoon 3 offers a variety of new weapons and strategies for players. While the game doesn’t contain inappropriate content, it is competitive and requires skill and practice to defeat opponents.


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