Parent Guide: Sonic Frontiers

About Sonic Frontiers

The game starts when Sonic and his friends are sucked through wormhole. Sonic gets separated from his friends and he must collect the Chaos Emeralds and find his friends. He must team up with unusual creatures to battle enemies racing across the 5 Starfall Islands.

Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Windows

Rated: E10+ Everyone 10 and up

Parent Guide

Best for: Ages 10 and up


Players fight robots.

No blood or gore.

Fantastical violence may be intense but is



Mature Content



Fantastical violence may be intense

Monster like characters may be scary for younger players


Sonic Frontiers is an action-adventure game that is available on most gaming platforms. The game play is rather easy but the theming and story are more advanced than previous Sonic games. Players will enjoy exploring the beautiful environments, practicing their skills at the Skills Tree and running through the high speed courses. The new open-world style game gives player more freedom yet still retains much of the classic Sonic game style of the older games.


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