Beauty Tips

Can-Do Beauty Tips For Moms: An Interview With Expert Allison Czarnecki

Allison Czarnecki is the BFF we all want to have: She’s hip, sassy, and (quite possibly the best reason of all) you’d have full-on access to her discerning eye when it comes to all things beauty.  We chat about her thoughts on makeup for moms and lipstick, lipstick, lipstick.

Photos courtesy of Allison Czarnecki.  Run, don’t walk, to her (newly-revamped) blog, Petit Elefant, for daily awesomeness.

How important do you think it is for moms to take the time to put on makeup each day?

It’s very important.  It’s so easy to let yourself go in simple ways because of the massive load on our plates as moms, but it’s critical to take care of ourselves.  I’m guilty of spending days on end in sweats with no makeup, but the second I put on a cute outfit and some mascara I feel a lot more pulled together, ready to face the day.

It’s so easy to get caught in a beauty rut by wearing the same makeup and hairstyle for years on end.  What are some ways to break out of one?

Honestly, this will sound really hokey, but watch what college kids are wearing.  Girls in college are usually past the trends of high school makeup {heaven help us all} but still look chic, and I love checking out what colors cute college girls use in their makeup.  Easier than that?  Go to your local makeup counter and ask to book a makeup session with a brand you trust.  I’m a M.A.C. girl, and about once a season I book a 30 minute makeover at a M.A.C. counter, asking for a new look.  Do the same with your hairstylist.  Mix it up!

What is your strategy for a fast-yet-pretty a.m. face?

Mascara, blush, lip-gloss or lipstick.  I always, always feel better with something on my lips, but if I pair that with a swipe or two of good mascara, I’m ready to rock and roll.

Finish this sentence: I never leave the house without putting on…

Lip-gloss.  It’s like my Kevlar vest, I just feel superhuman when I have it on.  It’s embarrassing, but I probably have 7 or 8 tubes of something in my purse at all times.  It’s in my desk, in my glove compartment, in my dresser, in my bathroom.  You can never have too much lipstick and lip-gloss.

What are your favorite, must-have products?

I love Saavex for my lips, Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in blackest black, Aveda volumizer for my hair, Vera Wang Princess perfume, M.A.C. lipglass in clear.

What’s the one item you feel is worthy of a splurge?

Is it going to be completely obvious if I say lipstick?  Yes, obvious.  I spend less than $5 on mascara, and it’s the best stuff out there, but I can’t scrimp on lipstick, it has to be M.A.C.

What’s the one thing a mom can do to instantly update her look?

Hair!  Go get a consult from someone who’s current with what’s cute right now, what will look best on you, including color and cut.  It’s so easy to get in a rut and wear your hair like you did in college, but don’t give in.  Your hair is different after having kids, and you don’t have the time for a full blow-out every day.  Get a cute, sassy color and cut and you’ll feel like a new woman.

…And if she’s ready for a bigger overhaul?

Get a friend who’s hot, hip, happening, and have her help with your overhaul.  Go through your wardrobe and get rid of the mom jeans {just DO it}, get your hair updated, get new makeup, get new shoes.  Totally worth it every few years, I promise. 

I’ve been there, I’ve been frumpy and tired and overstressed, but taking care of myself is the best thing I can do to be a better mom, wife, me.

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