Revllon BB Cream Reviews

Product Review: Jen Tries Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream Skin Perfector

While I’m not thrilled about going out sans makeup, I simply don’t have 30 minutes to invest in my appearance every day. Those 30 minutes are now spent packing the diaper bag, dressing my baby, strapping him into his car seat and lugging it out to the car.

After I heard about Revlon PhotoReady BB Cream Skin Perfector, I was so excited to try it that I put it on immediately. It was exactly what I hoped: an alternative to full makeup that covers imperfections and evens out my skin tone in the same amount of time I typically devote to putting on sunscreen, and because the BB cream provides an SPF of 30 I’m set. I love the boost it gives my appearance and my self esteem in less than a minute. The shade I chose matched my skin tone so perfectly it really doesn’t look like I’m wearing makeup at all. An observer would (mistakenly!) assume I have great skin and don’t need coverage.

Because the BB Cream contains sunscreen, I now apply it quickly before leaving the house, so I get sun protection and confidence in one simple step, and I don’t look like I’m trying too hard. I finally look like those moms I used to envy—naturally beautiful without the hassle. I highly recommend this product to any mom or busy woman who wants to look great in a hurry.

Check out my Before/After pics!


Revlon BB Cream


Revlon BB Cream

*Revlon sponsored this post and provided PhotoReady BB Cream Skin Perfector to the author at no cost.

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