13 Of The Best Drugstore Lipsticks For Fall

Lipstick is one of those things that I feel naked without. I need to have some sort of color on my lips to feel put together, even if it’s just a touch of gloss. And as much as I love designer lip products, we don’t all have to shell out big bucks every time we want to try a new color. Especially when you’re trying a new lipstick look out and you aren’t convinced you can pull it off. The good news is that you can find tons of quality drugstore lipsticks in a variety of shades (I’ve tried many of them!).

Drugstore lipsticks come in handy for fall when it’s tempting to experiment with new colors and textures. No such thing as buyer’s remorse when the beauty product only sets you back $7. Tempted to try a bright red or metallic lipstick this season? I’ve rounded up the best drugstore lipsticks for fall. Happy shopping!

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13 Of The Best Drugstore Lipsticks For Fall

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