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Children’s Health (Page 19)
Only 10 percent of the population has an outie belly button. Find out what causes outies.
Are baby vitamins necessary for your child's proper development? Read on to find out.
A sacral dimple might be a sign of a spinal defect, but this is not always the case.
We take the mystery out of circumcision care with the best tips for keeping your baby clean and healthy.
Baby growth spurts are normal, but they can come as a surprise. We'll tell you what clues to look for.
I get that you have to go by the word of the medical community, but at least hear us moms…
With webbed penis, the skin of the penis and the scrotum is fused together. Surgery can treat this condition.
Plagiocephaly, also known as flat head syndrome, is when a baby has a flat spot on the back or side…
Here’s what you need to know to make an informed choice.
A hair tourniquet is an uncommon issue in which hair wraps tightly around a baby's toes or fingers. Find out…
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