Michigan Toddler Dies from Enterovirus D68 Check out what health officials are saying about this child's tragic death.
Dallas Schools Screening Kids for Ebola Symptoms Several students in the district had contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, who has since died from ebola.
The Afflecks All Got Lice — How to Keep the Bugs Away from Your Fam School is in full swing, which means even celebrity kids are at risk for this gross health problem.
Report: 10-Year-Old Dies from Enterovirus D68 Complications Find out what health officials are saying about Emily Otrando's tragic death.
7 Tricks for Staying Healthy During Flu Season We've gotten the flu vaccine, but there's no guarantee that we'll all stay healthy. I've put some routines into place…
Did Enterovirus D68 Cause Paralysis in 9 Colorado Kids? Don't miss the latest update on this fast-moving virus, now being reported in 40 states and D.C.
Enterovirus D68 Continues to Spread, With Cases in 29 States & DC Has this potentially severe respiratory virus been reported in your state? Find out!
Is the Nasal Spray Form of the Flu Vaccine More Effective? For some children, the answer is yes. Is your kid one of them?