Study: Certain Cereals Add 10+ Pounds of Sugar to Your Kid’s Diet Find out which breakfast cereal is the worst offender.
Children’s Hospitals of Australia / Huggies Hugathon Benefits Sick Kids & Breaks World Record The event help raise awareness for Hugs for Healing, an initiative dedicated to helping sick kids.
U.S. Ranking Plummets on “Best & Worst Places for Mothers” List Why has the U.S. dropped from sixth to thirty-first in just eight years? Find out.
Report: Rate of Diabetes Skyrocketing in Children Is your child at risk for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?
CDC Report: Vaccines Prevent 700,000+ Child Deaths in U.S. A government vaccination program will prevent over 700,000 deaths -- but measles remain a huge epidemic.
Rare Birth Defect Still Spiking in Washington State Find out what the birth defect is -- and why experts think it's occurring more often here.
Study: Effects of Childhood Bullying Evident 40 Years Later What researchers discovered about this childhood trauma will surprise you.
Researchers: Why People Are Picky Eaters Is your kid a picky eater? What scientists have discovered may help you get him to try more foods.
Study: Childhood Obesity Linked to Mom’s Pregnancy Weight And, no, it's not just the children of moms that gain too much weight who are at risk.