Let’s face it, every Mom’s “go-to” uniform usually involves a pair of jeans. They’re cute and easy and no one really needs to know they aren’t that clean. But just because something’s made of denim, doesn’t mean you should wear it to the park, that playdate or the zoo.
Not all denim is created equal. Here’s a few denim disasters it’s best to avoid. Your children will thank you.
Disastrous Denim Trends
Head to Toe Denim
A little denim goes a long way. A lot of denim goes the wrong way.
Denim Accessories
Your kids aren’t crying because they’re tired. They’re crying because you’re wearing denim shoes, purse and diaper bag. Make it stop.
Daisy Dukes
If you and your toddler daughter wear the same size shorts, yours are too small.
Acid-Wash Denim
Unless you’re trying to show your kids what the ‘80’s were like, take off the acid wash and join us in this century.
Denim with Holes
Your kids don’t walk around with holes in their clothes, why should you?
Matching His and Hers Denim
This should be against the law. Wear this and your children are probably going to pretend not to know you.
Denim Dainties
Some things should not be denim. Underwear is one of those things.
High-Waisted Denim
These are so cute on the hanger and so un-cute on a human, whose had children or a sandwich.
Denim Overalls
Overalls are great for farmers, but on a Mom overalls are just downright silly.
Denim Vests
No quicker way to look like you’re wearing your child’s clothing than wearing a denim vest.
Couture Denim
Nothing doesn’t scream “black tie” like denim.