Before you hire a personal trainer make sure you're spending your money wisely and choosing the right person. Follow these guidelines to make a smart selection and get the results you want.
Personal Trainer Do's and Dont's
DO hire a personal trainer to show you how to perform specific moves safely and effectively.
Using incorrect form can cause injury and prevent you from getting the results you want. Having a trainer show you the correct form, the right weight for you and how to perform each repetition safely will ensure that you’re working the muscles you’re trying to work and will help achieve the results you want quicker.
DON'T hire a personal trainer that you don’t feel comfortable with, connect with, or respect.
The right trainer can serve as rocket fuel for your motivation, which translates into faster and more lasting results, especially if they successfully represent what they do. For example, an overweight and out of shape trainer probably won’t motivate you to achieve the same level of fitness as a trainer who obviously works hard to achieve the body and level of fitness they have. Even if you’re not conscious of it, this subtle difference pushes you further and encourages you to work harder. A fit trainer also has a different mindset along with characteristics like dedication, persistence and consistency which shows in their results and working with them can encourage you to have that same mindset and characteristics as well.
DO hire a personal trainer to help you create a fitness program based on your needs, goals and preferences.
Hiring a personal trainer to create a customized fitness program can catapult your results because they’re based on you. Knowing that a trainer has your goals in mind also keeps motivation high because you’re more likely to achieve results when a program is created around what you feel you can work with and enjoy.
DON'T hire a personal trainer who doesn’t have your fitness results as a priority.
Sometimes the most well-meaning trainers can get chatty and comfortable with clients they like. They look forward to seeing those clients to catch up, fill them in on what’s new in their lives and they truly enjoy their company. Unfortunately, this social time won’t move you towards making changes to your weight and shape. A trainer who finds the balance between making you comfortable but making sure your time is well spent can make all the difference in the reason why you hired a trainer in the first place.
DO hire a personal trainer if you want to burst past a plateau or comfort zone to achieve your next level of fitness.
So often we stay with a fitness program because it’s familiar and comfortable but that’s also the reason why that program isn’t creating visible results. Hiring a trainer may be just what you need to give you the tools and support to burst past a plateau or achieve a level of fitness you wouldn’t have considered possible without their motivation and support.
DON'T hire a personal trainer who is not not certified by a credentialed and well-respected source.
Just because someone is fit, works out or sounds like they know a thing or two about fitness doesn’t mean they’re the right trainer for you. A certified Personal Trainer from a credentialed source such as ACE, ACSM, NASM, NCSA, ISSA and AFAA are among the best. Trainers graduating from these programs have a deep understanding of safety, performance, physiology, the varied needs of different types of people and fitness levels and much more.
DO make sure you change your diet as you’re working out with a personal trainer.
There’s a saying “you can’t out-train a bad diet” meaning no matter how much or well you exercise, your efforts will never out-way the benefits you’ll receive when you start making better and healthier food choices.
DON'T hire a personal trainer if it’s out of your budget.
If you’re self-motivated and will make time to work out on your own, there are so many videos, apps, workouts in fitness/health magazines and more that can work well for you instead. The stress from an additional financial burden isn’t worth the price as long as you’re still able to find a way to include fitness into your life.
DO hire a personal trainer if you’d benefit from accountability and support.
There are always those days where working out may be the last thing on your mind but knowing a trainer is waiting for you and has blocked out time for your workout is often the motivation you need to get going on those days it’s easier to hit the snooze button. Also, knowing a trainer has a vested interest in your success can give you that boost of support you need to keep you moving forward…especially if you lack support from others as you work towards creating new, healthy habits.
DON'T hire a personal trainer if you don’t need one.
If you’d rather (and you’re achieving great results) working out alone, with a friend or if you enjoy working out in a group, a trainer may not be what you need or want. If that’s the case, you may only want to hire a trainer once in a while to shake up your routine, give you a few new ideas or have you try a different machine or piece of exercise equipment you may want to work with at a later time.