Okay, you promised yourself you wouldn't over-indulge this winter, but once you got to your first holiday party, your restraint went out the window and now that we're in the middle of the snowy season your habits are less than healthy. The good news is, spring is still a while away and you had a good time so those extra few pounds were well worth it. The even better news is, there's a world's worth of wacky ways to take off that bulge before the sun comes out again. So if you're bored with the treadmill or just can't seem to get into spinning, here's some fun ways to burn off that extra piece of pie.
Wackiest Ways to Lose Weight
Anti-Gravity Yoga
A no-nonsense way to engage your core, this class has you hanging from silk hammocks while getting your down dog on. Finally, yoga without the dirty floor! Om.
Pole Dancing
Few workouts start with the command, "Put on your stiletto's on grind," but this one does. Somehow, I don't think it'll be hard to get the hubs to watch the kids if you say you're going to pole dancing class. Dollar bills not required.
Trapeze Dancing
Ever seen a chubby Cirque De Soleil performer? Me neither. Maybe they're on to something.
High-Heel Workout
Practice strutting, skipping and squatting. All if your favorite heels. Sure you may break a toe, but at least your calves will look hot!
This hot trend was started in New York and combines the rigors of Brazilian martial arts with the calm flow of yoga. Suddenly, yoga isn't so calm anymore!
Wearing special "Kangoo" shoes the put an instant spring in your step, this class uses low impact moves to work your legs and butt. Come to think of it, I've never seen a fat kangaroo. Clearly, this is why.
Beat the Muffin Top
Developed by the people who brought you the Power Plate, this workout focuses solely on moves to shrink your mid-section. And isn't that we all really want? To shrink our muffin top? I do.
Karaoke Yoga
For those workout fiends who always found yoga a little too quiet, this one's for you. Belt out your favorite Journey tune while finding inner peace. Wait, isn't that an oxymoron?
Fake Surfing
Since surfers have rocked out shoulders, tight tummies and strong legs, why not do what they do? This group fitness class uses the moves of surfing to get you strong. And you don't have to get your hair wet! Win. Win.
50 Shapes of Grey
Inspired by, "50 Shades Of Grey," this workout turns "moves" from the book into a workout. Hopefully blushing burns calories, too.
This workout gives walking a whole new name. Inspired by a horse's galt, Prancercise promises to be as much a spiritual experience as it is a workout. Only time will tell!
Mud Runs
Not your average running race, a mud run is just that—a run through a mud pit that happens to last for miles. Training for this will get you in some serious shape, and will surely keep your dry cleaner in business.