Back to School for Moms

Tip 6: Say No!

Many moms have a case of “Yes and No Confusion.” We say yes to things that pull us away from our values while chipping away at our time and energy. As a result, we end up saying no to opportunities that bring us joy, passion and purpose. Make this school year the year you get the right words out at the right time to protect your boundaries while nurturing yourself.

Tip 7: Pay Attention to Your Relationships

This year, make the decision to nurture positive, loving and supportive relationships while steering clear of those who are negative, critical, judgmental and pessimistic. Not only are positive relationships good for you mentally and emotionally, having strong connections with others boosts our immune system and improves our health!

Tip 8: Prepare for Some Personal Development

As the kids go back to school to learn, grow and evolve, how about you? You know that saying: “If you’re not growing your dying?” Staying stagnant mentally keeps us mentally bored. Challenging ourselves with something we find rewarding makes life more exciting and fulfilling. Is there a hobby you’d like to pursue, a class, degree or inspirational book you’d like to read? Create your own curriculum for a year of continuous self-improvement.

Tip 9: Assess Your Image

It’s not just what you wear but how you “show up.” How’s your energy, your body language, your mannerisms and your wardrobe? Do they reflect the “you” that you’re trying to become? Create an image of you at your personal and professional best. Then, continuously work towards being that person starting right now.

Tip 10: Check Your Perspective

How’s your outlook and perspective? Is it filled with fear, doubt and worry or optimism, faith and trust?  Every thought, behavior and habit you have is driven by your beliefs and how you see the world. While there will always be plenty of others complaining about their body, their relationships, their jobs and their life, how about committing to a perspective that drives you towards being, doing and having more? Maybe make a rule like: “I’m only allowed to complain if I follow up with a plan to change what I’m complaining about” or “Every time I criticize myself or others, I’ll replace it with a comment that’s kind and compassionate.” Slowly you’ll look at that half empty glass as half full.

This school year let’s change old habits and unhealthy behaviors in order to become stronger, better and wiser while working towards feeling less stressed and having more fun! It’s time to go back to school moms. Make it a great year!



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