One Mom’s Journey With Hashimoto’s (which is more common than you think) Most people don’t talk about Hashimoto’s Disease. There’s a lot we don’t talk about, like how being a mom is…
Hate Dieting? “Intuitive Eating” is Your New Year’s Resolution I live in Los Angeles where almost every mom I know is on a diet. And not just any diet,…
7 Ways I’m Fighting SAHM Burnout (So I Don’t Totally Lose it) And yes, these things really help me feel less stressed and happier overall.
The Constant Struggle Of Having Body Confidence No Matter What I’m always in this weird place of wanting to lose weight and get healthier, while also trying to love my…
Open Enrollment: Information for Families and Expectant Mothers Of all the purchases you make for your family, health insurance could be the most important. Since the average American…
Lost the Baby Weight But Still Look Pregnant? You might Have Diastasis Recti My belly still looked pregnant after the birth of my first child. Six months postpartum, I still looked like I…
What I Want My Daughter To Know About Roe v. Wade In 1995, I had an abortion. Until I wrote this sentence out for a public audience, only a small handful…
How To Deal When A Stomach Virus Hits On Vacation This happened to us and here's the thing: The experience made vaginal birth seem like a day at the spa.
How to Honor Your Loss On Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day is October 15 and, thanks to social media, it has become an increasingly public…