Valentines day on a budget

Valentines Day-Romance On A Budget For Him

Last week, we went over romance on a budget for her. Well ladies, it's time to step up your game! No excuses, romance is not just your man's responsibility. He might not call it romance, but he definitely wants your attention and he definitely wants to feel special. No worries if you are on a tight budget this Valentines Day, we have some great suggestions for you too.


Budget Friendly Valentines Day For Him:

  • As cliché as it sounds, what man doesn't want to be the king of the castle for a day? Make his favorites for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Complete control of the remote and movie selections. Ask him what his ideal day is and make it happen. It's all about him today and that might mean he doesn't want to do anything but sleep all day long! You might not want to do this on Valentine's Day though, because it kind of lets him off the hook from romancing you. Make a cute flier on the computer designating a specific day as his day and give it to him on Valentine's Day so he knows you intend to spoil him rotten!

  • Make a coupon book of chores, special treats and get out of x free cards. Include things that your husband either really enjoys (but maybe you do not!) and things he really dislikes (taking out the trash?). Anytime he hands you one of the cards, you agree to do what the card says. Be careful writing these out, I'm sure he will enjoy holding you to it!

  • Let him out of Valentine's Day altogether. Say he doesn't have to do anything for you for Valentine's Day and (this is important) mean it! Now, some men might adore Valentine's Day, but most I know would rather skip the day. They would rather do something romantic on their anniversary or some other date of their choosing. (For the record, this is totally the route I go most years! Our anniversary is in early March, so I'd rather focus on that!)

Just a few ideas to romance your man on a budget! Valentine's Day historically seems to be more about what the man can do for the woman, but I think it's important for both sides of the relationship to keep the spark alive!

Do you have any suggestions for romance on a budget? Leave them in the comments, this is by no means an exhaustive list!

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