
Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer, And Evan Rachel Wood Dish On Babies And Plastic Surgery

Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Evan Rachel Wood sit down with ELLE to talk babies, botox, violent outbursts, and nude scenes.

The three talented actresses sat down for the magazine’s November issue for some girl talk.

Jennifer addressed the nonstop baby rumors and speculation that she’s desperate to get pregnant:

“There’s no desperation. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. I’m at peace with whatever the plan is.”

She also shared a violent moment on set that she’s not proud of:

“I threw a chair at a director. It wasn’t my proudest moment. He was treating a script supervisor horribly… When the director walked in, I threw a chair at him. I missed, of course. I was like, ‘You can’t speak to people like that.’ I can’t tolerate it.”

Michelle, who is starring in the upcoming ‘New Year’s Eve’, talks plastic surgery:

“I’m all for a little something here and there – fine. It doesn’t matter to me if people have plastic surgery or they don’t, or if they do Botox. But when people don’t look like themselves anymore, that’s when you kind of go, ‘Oooh,’ and it’s kind of sad. It’s uncomfortable for us, but if they’re happy with what they see in the mirror, does it matter?”

Evan Rachel Wood is starring in ‘The Ides of March’ and plays a young woman who gets around. She shares how she gets through the scenes that require nudity:

“I learned that I needed to control the situation in order not to be too self-conscious. I said to myself, I’m an awesome naked lady, and there’s an energy that I’m going give off right now that lets you know how you’re going to feel about this.”

You can check out their full interviews in the new issue of ELLE.


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