Stand Up To Cancer-Get Involved

One person per minute in the United States alone is stricken by cancer. The sheer magnitude of this statistic can easily  make you  feel overwhelmed, even helpless, but there are groups who refuse to be overwhelmed and continue to fight against cancer. One such organization is Stand Up To Cancer.  Stand Up To Cancer uses their reach into the Hollywood community to raise awareness and much needed funding that goes towards groundbreaking Cancer research. From partnering with MLB to creating a star naming drive, to hosting fundraisers across the nation Stand Up To Cancer refuses to let the statistics stand in the way of research and fundraising. While these statistics are no laughing matter, SNL Head Writer and Weekend Update anchor Seth Meyers has found a way to use humor to help fight cancer. He has answered Stand Up To Cancer’s call to action hosting a fundraiser on January 21st in Milwaukee entitled “Laugh It Up Milwaukee 2012: Stand Up To Cancer”.

Not in Milwaukee but wondering what you can do to get involved? The answer is lots, because there is still so much more that can and needs to be done. The SU2C website is an invaluable resource to learn how you can get involved. Whether you are donating time or money, attending a fundraiser or joining their social media network, every little counts. Cancer does not discriminate; it attacks everyone no matter what your race, socio economic standing or nationality. Visit the SU2C website and check out the numerous ways you can contribute to the fight against cancer. If we stand together we can win!

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