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Whenever I come across a “cool find” like this SPIbelt, that is great quality, well designed and also well priced at just under $20, I get really excited about sharing it with all of you. The SPI part of this product’s name, stands for “small personal items” and it was developed by an athlete and entrepreneur named Kim Overton. Kim thought of the idea while out on a run one day and while she had her keys stashed inside her sports bra (we’ve all been there, right?). She had the idea there must be a better way to deal with small essentials while being active, so that’s how she came up with idea for the SPIbelt.



These belts come in lots of great colors and designs, some are waterproof and some even come with safety reflective tape. SPIbelts make a great gift item, are perfect for any runner and are great to use when you’re traveling too. There is a smaller version for kids, too, so they can keep track of their lunch money or any other small essential items while at school or just out and about, while being active. And don’t forget to check  out some of these cool “camo” patterns that are available and are sure to please almost any kid.

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