
Unique Handmade Ceramics for Kids

Years ago, I was fortunate enough to receive a gorgeous set of handmade ceramic dishes from Alex Marshall Studios in Northern California and I love them just as much now, as I did on the day when I first received them! So recently, when I was browsing through Alex’s website to see what she’s been up these days, I came across her fantastic line of ceramic baby & kid’s products. 


altI’ll start you off with this darling elephant dish set that can be personalized with up to 11 lowercase letters. Each set includes a plate, bowl and mug made from white earthenware clay. These kids dish sets come in many other designs too, including Butterflies, Giraffes, Ducks, Turtles, Octopus, etc.. All of her products are food and dishwasher safe, can be warmed in the microwave and are also lead free and cadmium free. So if you’re looking for a unique baby shower gift, who wouldn’t appreciate receiving something this lovely?


altHere’s a new rendition on the age old rubber ducky theme. This cheerful yellow duck kid’s lamp makes a great accessory for your baby’s nursery and it also translates over nicely through the toddler years too. It can utilize up to a 100 watt 3 way light bulb too, so you can vary your room lighting depending on the time of day.



Check out how cute this ceramic bunny picture frame looks when you personalize the it and add your own image. Buy one for yourself or choose one as a keepsake gift to give to a friend.


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