
Russell Brand Talks Marriage, Monogamy And Morrissey

Russell Brand has kept quiet on his divorce from pop singer Katy Perry since the two split back in December of 2011. In a new interview with Esquire, he gives a hint at why their marriage didn’t work.

Russell is probably one of the most misunderstood celebrities, who also happens to be one of my favorites. I always loved his Brit humor, but once I read his first book “My Booky Wook”, I had a whole new understanding of and respect for him.  The public is finally starting to see what the rest of us see.  He turned down millions of dollars in their divorce settlement because he hadn’t earned it himself (it was Katy’s money), he has never uttered a bad word about Katy and is just a decent human, despite those bad boy stories of the past. 

On the failure of his 14-month marriage: “You’ve got to really, really want it to have successful marriage. When I’m in a relationship I’m diligently monogamous and stick to the principles agreed on within that relationship. You’ve got to, I think. But it’s going to be hard if I go into a monogamous relationship. I live a life where I have a lot of freedom, so if I meet someone and I go, ‘Right let’s be monogamous,’ that’s a f—ing change. But I tried it and I loved it. I really think she’s a lovely beautiful person [Katy Perry]. It’s just hard isn’t it? She’s got a lot of options, I’ve got a lot of options, so you’ve got to really, really want it.”

Why did the marriage fail? “Some of it’s the fame, but I think getting married is — you’ve got a whole other person that you’ve got to make as important as you!”

He still wants to be married: “I’ve given over too much of my life to its pursuit. And I’ve probably harmed other people, by being selfish. And really, I’d like to be married. I’m just not transmitting that frequency of ‘Soulmate! Soulmate!’ I’m transmitting the frequency of “Mmm!’”

Maybe he’ll marry Morrissey: “This is the realization of a childhood dream — my hero, the great artist Morrissey, affirming and praising my work.’”

Now go read the book. Trust me. 


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