15 Delicious Mocktails To Help You Survive a Summer Pregnancy

There’s a lot to love about being pregnant in summer: wearing a two-piece without a care in the world about your stomach bulging out, having a solid excuse to take naps in the AC on those hot afternoons, and not having to shove swollen feet into actual shoes (hello, flip-flops!), just to name a few.

But if we’re being honest, there’s one thing about being pregnant in warmer months that absolutely sucks, and that’s booze-free summer nights. Yep, I loathed sipping water at every barbecue and Friday night dinner during my summer pregnancies. When the crew gathers together and the sun begins to set, you’ve already compromised your wardrobe choices, so the boring drinks routine is just one more blow.

Enter the summer mocktail. If you know what to order — or mix up at home — these delightful, alcohol-free drinks might just take the edge off your summer pregnancy, or at the very least be a welcome change from water. One of my favorite ways to enjoy a virgin drink while pregnant was to ask the bartender to surprise me with something delightful and non-alcoholic when we went out. You can also peruse this list of favorite summer mocktail picks from bloggers around the globe for tips. Cheers!

More Mocktail Recipes:






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