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Tips To Ensure Your Kid’s Safety While Trick-Or-Treating

One of the things that children love about Halloween is going door to door for the trick-or-treating tradition. While it’s fine to let the kids enjoy this day, as parents, it’s your responsibility to take necessary measures to ensure your little ghouls and goblins stay safe during their spooky adventures. Hence, here are some tips that you must follow for your kid’s safety while they trick-or-treat in your neighborhood this Halloween.

Do not leave your child unsupervised for trick-or-treating on Halloween

This Halloween trick-or-treat safety tip is especially for young children. Do not leave them alone while they are hopping from one house to another. Always accompany them on their little adventure. If your child does not want you to accompany them, watch them from a distance. This way, your little one gets what they want and you also get to keep an eye on them for their safety. However, this might not be possible with teens. Hence, advise them to be vigilant, to stay with their group, and to be back by the set time.

Always inform the kids about the dos and don’ts of trick-or-treating on Halloween

Before letting your kids go out to trick-or-treat, always inform them about the things to avoid while out and about. For starters, ask them to call 911 in case of emergency, to inform them about their house number, parents’ names, and cell phone numbers if stuck somewhere. Alternatively, if they have a gadget, they can call you immediately. However, they must stay with the group at all times. You can also draw a map to show your kids the safest routes in your block or area. Also, advise your children to pick a well-lit street. Giving them a whistle (to blow in case of an emergency) is also a great tip (from fellow mamas) to ensure kids’ safety while they trick-or-treat.

As for the things they should avoid, ask your children not to go to a house with no porch light. Moreover, ask them to avoid low-lit streets or dark alleys. Advising your children to never go inside anyone’s home and always stay on the porch is also an important trick-treat tip for their safety on Halloween. Most importantly, ask your kids not to take a ride from anyone, even from a known person (unless they have been informed about it earlier by you). Also, do tell your kiddos not to open any treats or candies, especially unwrapped ones, unless you have inspected them first.

Dress your children in safe clothes while they trick-or-treat on Halloween

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This is one of the most important safety tips that every parent must follow for a safe trick-or-treat experience for their kids on Halloween. Make sure your child’s costumes, irrespective of age, are all flame-resistant. Only pick the costumes that say “flame-resistant” on the label. This will ensure your little one isn’t in danger near jack-o-lanterns with real candles inside. Also, try to keep their costume above their feet to prevent tripping, falling, and bumping into others.

In addition, if possible, ask them to take off their masks as thanks to all the running and walking around, masks can get hot and uncomfortable. They might also obstruct their vision, making it risky to cross streets with masks on. Moreover, always put reflective tape on their outfits so others can spot them easily in the crowd or while crossing the street.

Trick-or-treating is something that every child waits for eagerly. While kids are excited to dress up and go door to door to fill up their candy baskets or to see some funny tricks, it’s a worrisome time for most parents. Being fellow parents, we get it. So, follow these tips this Halloween to ensure your kid’s safety while they trick-or-treat. Also, if you have more tips that could help a fellow mama navigate spooky season safely, share them in the comment section below.

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