Stressbuster: Make Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary

Your bedroom should be a tranquil haven that melts away your worry. If your room right now is more zoo than zen, try these tips to transform it into a stress-free sanctuary. It may be a tough world out there, but in here, it’s blissful.

1.       Orientation

Orient your bed so that you are facing a window and you can see outside when you lie down. A room with a view of sky will do wonders for your peace of mind.

2.       Blissful Bedding

Stressbuster: Make Your Bedroom Your SanctuaryChoose sheets made of cozy fabrics and soft material that will make you long to crawl into bed and drift away on a cloud of restful sleep.

3.       Keep it Light

If the overhead light in your room is harsh or fluorescent, invest in a few lamps that emit a softer more amber light. As evenings wear down, dim lighting is best to keep you from being over-stimulated before bedtime, and the most restful sleep is achieved in pitch black, so stock up on shades.

4.       Go Green

Stressbuster: Make Your Bedroom Your SanctuarySome studies suggest that being surrounded by plants reduces stress levels, so add some greenery to your space. If maintaining a plant is too labor intensive (after all, you have enough to do!), try fresh flowers. They’ll brighten your room and your mood.

5.       Cool Colours


Select colours that you love and find calming. Painting can be a pretty major undertaking, so if you’re short on time, get your cool colour fix with bedding in shades that make you happy and vibrant furniture that lifts your spirits.

6.       Media Removal

Away with the TV, the laptop, and the phone! Try to keep your bedroom a refuge from blaring screens, rudeStressbuster: Make Your Bedroom Your Sanctuary ringing, and wretched work. If you’re accustomed to zoning out by the television, try reading before sleep. 

7.       Soothing Scents

Certain smells and scents may help to relax you and even ease pain. Burn candles or use oils scented with lavender, chamomile, and sandlewood. Just make sure to blow out those candles before you leave the room or fall asleep!

8.       Clean up Clutter

Nothing helps to banish frazzle like aclean house, so keep your room a clutter-free zone. If your space is organized your mind will be at rest.




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