A new year is all about fresh beginnings, new adventures, and setting lofty goals. To keep those resolutions strong and spirits high, I found ten items to use at home, the office, in the car, and on one’s body as a reminder to keep your chin up, smile, and stay inspired in the new year. Just like Van Morrison said, Oh, my momma told me there’ll be days like this, so when those bad days come, you will have an armor of positive quotes and good energy surrounding you to help get you by.
More Ideas to Get Ready for the New Year:
10 Ways to Stay Positive & Inspired in the New Year
1. Hang this:
You don’t need a Christmas tree to hang an ornament. Hang this beautiful porcelain ornament from mb art studios from your car, a nail on the wall, a hook, or a knob. It will lift your spirits when life feels impossible.
2. Decorate with this:
Flowers always lift my mood, but they are so expensive. Every once in a while, treat yourself to just a single stem and put it in this simple and beautiful bud vase by Laurel Denise. Life whispers to us all the time---it’s up to us to listen.
3. Write in this:
A classic, therapeutic way to process our thoughts and to remember them is writing them down. An inspiring daily reminder is on the front of Ecojot’s Never Never Never Give Up 5x7 journal. This would make for a great gratitude journal too.
4. Wear this
Be chic and inspired at the same time with these personalized, hand-stamped bracelets by Kathryn Riechert. All you have to do when you want a bit of inspiration is look down.
5. Rest your head on this:
Spend some more time on the couch with this darling, you are fabulous pillow by Sassy Stiches by Lori. Your body will thank you for the rest, and you will have time to think about just how fabulous you are.
6. Read this:
I love Oprah, and one of my favorite guests was Brené Brown, author of Daring Greatly. The book was an eye opener for me as a parent and as someone who tries to be a perfectionist. When I’m having a day when I can’t do anything right and everyone else seems to be doing it better, I read Theodore Roosevelt’s quote published in the book: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
7. Carry this:
Curly Girl Design designs some of my favorite products with some of my favorite quotes. This zipper pouch is no exception. The pouch reads: Have only one rule. Be your wild and courageous self every single day. No matter what. Amen to that!
8. Moisturize with this:
With three kiddos running around, the only time I spend alone most days is washing my face and prepping for bed. It’s "my time," and I love putting beautiful products on my skin. While my skin feels good when I apply Philosophy’s Hope in a Jar, my spirit feels good too reading the quote, where there is hope, there is faith. where there is faith, miracles can occur.
You can buy it at Nordstrom.
9. Sing this:
Music has an amazing and unique power over the body. Songs help us remember significant moments in our lives. A first dance. A good singing session in the car when it’s just you and you can sing as loud as you want. A ladies' night out. A breakup. This year, make it a point to play energetic and inspirational tracks. Here are a few to help you get started.
- "Beautiful Day" - U2
- "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
- "Shake It Off" - Taylor Swift
- "Ain’t No Mountain High Enough" - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell (I will never forget, my future husband played and sang this song to me when I had a really bad day in high school, and it magically made it all better.)
- "Don’t Stop Believin'" - Journey (Who doesn’t love to sing at the top of their lungs to Journey?)
- "Stronger" - Kelly Clarkson
- "Happy" - Pharrell
Image: Getty / Antonio_Diaz
10. Mark it on your calendar:
There is no better spot for inspirational words than somewhere you look every single day. Create your own calendar like j. sorelle did with this printable calendar from Colour Moon. Use a Silhouette to stamp your message on the clipboard with vinyl, or use a Sharpie. Whatever you choose to use, write your motto for the year.